Premium Cutting Solutions

Morse products are proudly made in the USA with global materials in Canton, Ohio, in one of the industry’s most advanced production facilities. Our global manufacturing hub has undergone multiple expansions that have supported our integrated manufacturing approach that helps us ship most orders for standard stock products within 24 hours.

In addition to our Canton plant, there are Morse warehouses in California, Canada, England, Finland, and India. Our products are available to industries through a worldwide network of commercial and industrial supply distributors.

Dedicated Service

A cornerstone of our success is a focus on customers. Our priority is to ensure anyone doing business with us is supported at the highest level. Our from-the-inside-out approach features an expert internal team paired with a dedicated global technical team. We’re known for our responsiveness, reliable delivery, quality products, and no-nonsense business approach. Having only the highest level of service and support remains our daily commitment.

Reliable Quality

Our business is creating cutting-edge solutions for professionals. We make blades that last longer, cut smoother, and do every conceivable cutting job. We make products for plumbers, electricians, carpenters, industrial manufacturers, steel service centers, and anyone else using cutting tools. It is our job to never let these people down. We strive toward this goal by continually investing in enhanced research and development, manufacturing processes, raw materials, and warehousing facilities. The result is a wide-ranging product line that offers professionals blades that work better and last longer.

Technical Support

Our in-house BandTech is available at 1-888-4BANDMAN (888-422-6362) provides both distributors and their end users with band saw blade technical assistance and problem solving advice that they have forged from working in the Industrial sawing industry for over 30 years. This valuable tool is available from Morse because if you have a problem, then we have a problem.

We also have BandTechs on the road to provide on-site assistance for our Industrial distributors and their end users. Our BandTech will do a thorough 28-point inspection of the guides, the bearings, the tracking of the blade on the saw, even on the tension of the band as it corresponds to the amount of tension that’s being put on the band by the hydraulic system of the saw. We also refract the coolant. We pretty much go through the whole gamut! Morse provides this service to existing customers on an as-needed basis or on a schedule, depending on the end user’s band usage. The preventative maintenance also entails a full written report.

Proven Performance

We want you to feel comfortable with the commitment you make to a Morse product. With our Guaranteed Trial Order program, we will provide you with a weld-to-length band saw blade for the purpose of performance evaluation. Let us know your application and saw specs and we’ll set you up with a blade. Your saw, your application – your total confidence that Morse blades will work for you!

History of Excellence

At Morse, we’ve had just one focus for more than 60 years: to make better saw blades and accessories and get them to customers on time. We don’t make machinery. We don’t make other products. We do one thing, and we do it well. Single-minded devotion has led to some unique innovation, but it has ultimately fostered a relentless march to improve value. We are constantly looking for ways to build even more durability into our blades. The result is a collection of high-value cutting solutions that set the bar among our competition in performance and quality. At Morse, this is the only way we operate.

View Our History

Company Founder M. Kenneth Morse
Sally Morse Dale and Nancy Morse Sonner, second-generation owners of The M. K. Morse Company.


Morse’s third generation of leadership, Meagan Sonner-Martino, Nick Martino, Alan Holbrook, and Lisa Dale Holbrook.