Kerflock Technology
Most band saw blades create the kerf by bending the teeth side to side. Premature tooth wear can result as the bend relaxes through the life of the blade. With dual-patented KerfLock® Technology, the teeth are not bent.
View TechnologyPlyometric Cutting Action
Patent-pending Morse Plyometric® Cutting Action employs vibration assisted cutting technology optimized for the tooth design of each blade, keeping the tips engaged in the material while cut angles change dynamically.
View TechnologySParc
Engineered in to the blade, SParc® Technology employs a vibration assisted cutting action. This technology creates a rocking motion so tips move from cutting the material to rising out of the cut and then back in to the material.
View TechnologyZ Balance
Blades with Morse Z Balance® Technology eliminate the side forces in the z axis. The effect is a straighter cut and reduced heat and wear, resulting in longer blade life. See the difference in the smaller chips produced.
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